Thursday, August 26, 2010


Proverbs 16:20- Whoever gives heed to instrustion prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.

It pays to take life seriously; things work out when you trust in God.

The world is place where trust is highly valued and sought after; everyday we are bombarded by advertising, selling you 'products you can trust'or products with 'guaranteed results'. These companies understand that there is incredible power in trusting their product.

As one who has chosen to follow after Jesus, our lives are defined by the one in whom we trust. The circumstances of life can push us in a direction that seem opposite to where we feel we need to go, and through those times, all we can do is trust God. Our trust is continually being tested and although we walk through pain and hurt daily, we can look back on those days, months and years, and see that God is truly trustworthy.

In a world with so many 'guarantees'and advertising gimmicks, this scripture is a promise we can rest our lives on; things work out when you trust in God. We need to know every single day, that as we give ourselves completely to God, we can rely on Him to love us, lead us, and bring us to a place of great significance and blessing; this is a guarantee that you can depend on.

This song is really nice!