Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hillsongs Australia : Oceans Will Part Lyrics

If my heart has grown cold
There Your love will unfold
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
When I’m blind to my way There Your Spirit will pray
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

Oceans will part nations come
At the whisper of Your call
Hope will rise glory shine
In my life Your will be done

Present suffering may pass
Lord Your mercy will last
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
And my heart will find praise
I’ll delight in Your way
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand

Another Down and someting unexpected

Had Physiology exam today. I was actually quite nervous while I was on the way to the hall. I guessed I was supposed to take out my notes and at least revised abit cause I did not do much in the morning. The exam started at 2pm and I had plenty of time in the morning to do some last minute revision. Woke up at 8.50am and was supposed to study after breakfast. However, my eyes were very tired and I felt so restless. So I slept back again. For another 30 minutes or more. So when I woke up, it was already 11am and Ibathed and by the time I am done, it was already 11.30am. Browsed through everything and left house around 12.45pm to leave to the hall. In the bus, I felt I wasn't really prepared but I just spent that time talking to God. Just want to commit the paper into His hands.

The paper turned out to be already. I don't want to expect too much but I did my best and I will accept whatever that is given. I know, He bless me tremendously in this way or another.

Jasmine came into my room just now. I can see that she is really tired and restless. She asked if we could pray together cause she felt like giving up on her last paper which will be Anatomy and Biomehanics. I was actually quite hesitant in doing that. I don't know why. I have been avoiding this for months. And all that I was trying to avoid took place today. I actually did prayed out loud. It did not feel as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe it's just another challenge that I have to go through this year.

Every blessing you pour out, I will turn back to praise.

Thank You God for another paper that is handed in.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

One Down

Yes!!!!!! I am done with Pharmacy Practice exam.. It went not too bad I guess. I mean of course there are some questions where I am not sure about the answers but I still managed to write something down. No question was left blank. Yea!!! Thank God to that. Hopefully still can manage to get good grade. Aiming for a D but I believe God has HIS way. He has blessed me tremendously with focus and strength and wisdom. Lord God, I just uphold that paper into your hand and all the other 3 papers to you. No matter how the result turns out, it will be used to glorify your name as it is by your strength than I am able to do it.

In my life Your will be done..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I am back in just a few hours after my previous posts. I have a big big problem right now. I am widely awake eventhough it is already 2.16am right now and I have one Final paper tomorrow. It's Pharmacy Practice and all I need now is for my body to feel tired so that I can sleep.

Help me Oh Lord to fall asleep. Father Lord, clear all the anxieties and nervousness as well as the alertness in my mind. May You let it settle in peace Oh Lord so that I can fall asleep as soon as possible. I know it's not enough time to get 8 hours of sleep. Not even 7/6 hours, but Lord God, I believe that tomorrow will still be a productive day because I gain strength from You Lord God. Help me to focus tomorrow even if my mind is tired when I am in the examination hall. Lord God, may you grant me sleepiness now God.

Thank you God as I am yawning now eventhough I doubt I can fall asleep. But Lord GOd, I will never doubt you in your capailities.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Exam vs God

I don't know why am I feeling so restless right here right now. I can feel my heart pumping really fast and that I can barely breathe. Is it really because of the coffee in the tiramisu cake? I don't know. I really have no idea about it.

As what the title says, exam vs God. Am I putting my finals first before God or am I putting God above all things? I can't really say. I am devoted to Him just because I needed His help to bring me through this storm before ending my year? All I want to do now is to cry out to Him to ask Him to settle my heart. God, only You can do it. No one knows my heart better than you do. You know it even before You created the Heavens and the Earth and even before I was brought to this world by your Grace and Mercy. God, right here at this very moment Oh Lord, I want you in my life Oh Lord. Cleanse me Oh Lord. Purify me Oh Lord. Shape me Oh Lord to be more like You and less of myself Lord. I can't go on with my own strength anymore. I can't walk on this journey called life without Your Strength. Father God, let me not take exam above you Oh Lord. But God, I uphold this coming exam into your hands and Lord, no matter how it turns out Lord, it will be used to Glorify your name Lord. Because it is not by my wisdom and strength but it is by Yours.

Matthew 19:26 - With men nothing is possible but with GOD all things are possible.
You created the heavens and the earth and that nothing is too hard for you God. Not this coming exam or not the struggles that I will go through in my life Oh Lord. But God, I put my trust in you Lord that you will take care of all things. You will have Your plan for me Oh God.

I surrender my all to you GOD!!!!!


A new blog

The link of this blog itself is really interesting. I don't know how it was created but out of the blue, it is under my account. Amusing huh? It existed for a few months now but was left inactive until today, (18/11/2009). So I decided to write here as well. This will be a blog on my journey with You!